Page 41 - 103年消防月刊11月號
P. 41

Forum 工作研討


               - 以龜山林口高鐵隧道為例

               Analysis and Characteristics of Fire Rescue Operations in
               Tunnels - GuishanLinkou HSR Tunnel
                                                                                圖 / 文 桃園縣政府消防局 蔡擎平

               因而在許多長隧道災害往往會造成許多的傷亡,例如:1996   11 月 18

               日在英法海峽隧道(Channel Tunnel)之南側主隧道發生的列車火
               警造成了 8 人的受傷、1999 年發生在法國和義大利之間的白朗峰隧道
               (Mont Blanc Tunnel)車禍火災造成 39 人死亡、2000 年 11 月 11

               日在奧地利長 3.4 公里的隧道火災造成了 155 人死亡、1995 年 10 月
               28 日巴庫(Baku)的地鐵隧道火災所造成的 289 人死亡及 265 人受

               況難以掌握及消防人員不易進入搶救等特性, 增加救災的危險性。因此,

                  According to statistics, fires that occur in long tunnels pose a high threat to the
               lives of people in the tunnel, as well as to their property, particularly when confusion
               and panic overcome those trapped inside. This makes evacuation more difficult,
               leading to many casualties when a fire breaks out in a long tunnel.  On Nov. 18,
               1996, a fire broke out on a train traveling through the Channel Tunnel between

               the UK and France, resulting in eight casualties. In 1999, a fire in the in the Mont
               Blanc Tunnel along the border of France and Italy left 39 dead. On Nov. 11, 2000,
               the Kaprun disaster, an inferno in a 3.4-kilometer tunnel in Austria, claimed 155
               lives.  On Oct. 28, 1995, a fire on the subway in Baku resulted in 290 deaths and
               265 injured.  These high casualty rates are due to the fact that a long tunnel´s tight
               spaces hinder access, increasing the difficulty for a successful evacuation. The tight
               quarters also cause fire and smoke to spread faster, making it hard to predict the
               escape routes those trapped inside will take. For an evacuation and rescue operation
               to be successful, emergency services are reliant on tunnel emergency systems and

               must draw from prior experience when implementing response programs.

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