Page 60 - 消防月刊-101年2月號
P. 60
Effect of Innovative On Job Training for
Fire Investigator
圖 / 文 內政部消防署 朱少龍、吳靜茹
一、前言: observation and recording the resulting fire,
火災調查人員接獲出勤通知時,即須著裝 smoke color and special smell and so on;
出勤並隨時掌握及接聽無線電通報之現場相關 arrive about firefighters rescued the early
訊息,到達現場前沿途觀察與記錄火災現場產 fire behavior and related wiring, and on-
生之火、煙顏色及特殊氣味等現象;到達後了 site combustion phenomena of various trace
解消防人員初期滅火佈線及相關搶救行為,並 exploration records and spread the fire flow
進行現場燃燒後各種痕跡現象之勘查紀錄,及 analysis of the path of the judged, then clean up
火流延燒路徑之研判分析,繼而清理與復原判 and recovery, and to determine the cause of the
定起火處及起火原因。 fire at the fire.
Fire investigators have received notice 然而因每一案件發生之場所往往不同,
of attendance, shall dress and keep track of 且內部空間之裝潢材質差異、環境氣候變異、
attendance and receive radio communications 燃燒高溫變化,以及消防人員搶救過程中,高
related information of the scene, the scene 壓射水與殘火處理時所造成之痕跡破壞等種種
before the scene of the fire along the 因素,致現場在滅火後,經常留下更多複雜紊