Page 29 - 消防月刊-105年10月號
P. 29
Work Discussion 工作研討
Explanation of the fire-protection use emergency generator approval
guideline amendment and implementation situation
■文/內政部消防署 趙勇維
提供之緊急發電設備。該發電機組屬電業法第 6 條所稱發電設備,同法第 97 條規定「工礦廠商、農
置規定。查建築技術規則建築設備篇第 7 條及第 7-1 條列有火警自動警報設備等消防安全設備、地下
之對象除消防系統外,也包括維生及環保系統。至該設備的檢驗標準,則定有「國家標準 CNS 10204
消防緊急用自備發電設備檢驗法」及「CNS 2901 中小型交流同步發電機」等規範,目前經濟部尚未
公告為應施檢驗品目。復按各類場所消防安全設備設置標準第 237 條第 1 項第 1 款:「緊急電源使用
符合 CNS10204 規定之發電機設備、10205 規定之蓄電池設備或具有相同效果之設備,其容量之計算,
Fire protection –use emergency generators refers to emergency power generation equipment that provides
power to fire protection equipment installed in various places in line with the Installation Standards of Fire
Protection Equipment when normal electricity supply is suspended. This kind of generator is the kind of
power generation equipment in Article 6 of the Electricity Act. Article 97 of the same Act requires that
industrial and mining enterprises, farmland irrigation, institutions and schools must install power generation
equipment for their own use. Building management and fire protection authorities have, respectively, set
regulations for the installation of emergency power sources. Article 7 and 7-1 of the Building Equipment
section of the Building Technical Regulations require that automatic fire alarms and other fire protection
equipment, basement drainage, waste water pumps, disaster prevention center electrical equipment and
emergency lifts should be connected to an emergency power source such as a power generator. As well as
being linked to fire protection systems, emergency power sources are also linked to lifeline and environmental
protection systems. The inspection standards for this equipment are CNS 10204 Method of test for firefighting
emergency power source and CNS 2901 Small and medium alternating current synchronous generator. The
MOEA has yet to announce the items that should be inspected. According to sub-paragraph 1, Paragraph 1
of Article 237 of the Installation Standards of Fire Protection Equipment, emergency power sources should
use power generation equipment that meets the requirements of CNS10204 and batteries or similar-effect
equipment that meets the requirements of CNS 10205. Capacity calculation method is set by the central
fire protection agency. Looking at the aforementioned regulations, in practice transportation systems, water
pumping stations, building lifeline systems and electrical equipment are connected to emergency power
sources. Their application is not limited to fire protection equipment alone therefore, those specifically used
by fire protection equipment are called fire protection-use emergency power generators.
消防月刊 2016.10 27