Page 26 - 消防月刊-105年10月號
P. 26

工作研討 Work Discussion

           淺談提升 119 勤務指揮派遣

           系統功能 2 年中程計畫草案

           Brief discussion of the 2 year mid-term draft plan for upgrading the functions
           of the 119 duty command dispatch system

                                                                              ■文/內政部消防署 王郁文、吳東峯


               105 年 3 月 9 日立法院第 9 屆第 1 會期內政委員會第 2 次全體委員會議,審查「災害防救法部分

           條文修正草案」附帶決議:「有鑑於各項重大災害發生時,119 勤務派遣系統關乎救災指揮效率及人
           政府礙於經費,各地消防局仍有未提升(119 勤務派遣)系統之狀況。為提升消防救災指揮派遣效能,

           辦理「提升 119 勤務指揮派遣系統功能 2 年」中程計畫(草案)。

           At the 2  full meeting of the Interior Affairs Committee in the 1  session of the 9  Legislative Yuan on
           March 9, 2016 an additional resolution was passed when examining the draft amendment of part of the
           Disaster Prevention and Response Act: “The 199 duty dispatch system is directly connected to rescue
           command efficiency and personnel dispatch effectiveness, having a massive impact on the result of fire
           prevention and rescue and protection of the lives and property of people. In today’s era of technology, due to
           lack of funding, fire departments across Taiwan have not upgraded the 119 duty dispatch systems. To raise
           the effectiveness of fire prevention and rescue command dispatch, and promote the digitization of  disaster
           rescue  duty operations, informationize management  and technologize decision making, it is suggested that
           the Ministry of Interior formulate a related plan and allocate funding to provide subsidies to fire departments
           across Taiwan to raise the level of disaster prevention and rescue effectiveness and effectively  protect the
           lives and property of the people. The NFA will implement the 2 year mid-term draft plan for upgrading the
           functions of the 119 duty command dispatch system.

                                                              術更新快速,如智慧型行動裝置、4G 無線寬頻、

               查消防署前於 97 年 5 月編列預算(匡列於行                       GPS(全球衛星定位系統)及影像傳輸等技術,
           政院災害防救委員會項下)招標,98 年 12 月底完                         因此隨著科技開發的腳步,且因應未來不可預知
           成全國 119 勤務指揮派遣系統(以下簡稱指派系                           之災害,更新全國 119 指派系統軟硬體設備並結
           統)建置;迄今將達 8 年之久,雖每年編列經費辦                           合現今資(通)訊科技實屬必要,俾利提升救災

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