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工作研討 Work Discussion

           9. 册继云 佘守章 < 喉罩置管通气及其管理 > 册州市第一                       如:能夠全職工作且主導自己的生活作息)。雖
             人民册院麻醉科                                             有輕微的神經學疾病(例如:輕微肢體障礙)但

           10.John H., et al. "Comparison of the Endotracheal Tube and   已被良好控制且不影響其日常生活作息。
              Laryngeal Mask in Airway Management by Paramedical   CPC=2 中度大腦皮質功能障礙; 病人意識清楚,
              Personnel." Anesthesia & Analgesia April 1992, Pennant,    活動上有部分障礙,如:偏癱、抽搐、口齒不清、
           11.Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and   吞嚥障礙、記憶減退,但一般生活仍可自理,如:
              Injured p.1157                                     穿衣、吃飯、搭乘大眾運輸工具等。
           12.J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2015 Apr-Jun; 31(2):   CPC=3  重度大腦皮質功能障礙;病人意識較不清
              221–225, Poonam A Jadhav etc., I-gel versus laryngeal   楚,某些記憶功能障礙,活動需仰賴他人,日常
              mask airway-Proseal: Comparison of two supraglottic   生活無法自理(例如:住在安養院、護理之家或
              airway devices in short surgical procedures        住家中但日常生活作息皆由家人協助)。

           13.Gupta, D., et al. "Ultrasound confirmation of laryngeal   CPC=4  深度昏迷,病人對外界無反應,呈現植物
              mask  airway  placement  correlates  with  fiberoptic   人狀態
              laryngoscope findings." Middle East J Anesthesiol 21.2   CPC=5 死亡
              (2011): 283-287.                                21. 陳建嘉 ,  東南科技大學/營建科技與防災研究所
           14.ECC  Committee;  Subcommittees  and  Task  Forces   在職專班/ 102 /碩士 ,  延伸管對建立喉罩呼吸
              of the American Heart Association. 2005 American   道病患之急救效益之研究-以臺北市政府消防局
              Heart  Association  Guidelines  for  Cardiopulmonary   第一大隊為例

              Resuscitation  and  Emergency  Cardiovascular  Care.   22.2015 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR &
              Circulation. 2005 Dec 13. 112(24 Suppl):IV1-203.   ECC Part 7: Adult Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support
           15. 楊毓錚 ; 陳國智 ; 陳建智 ; 林依吟 ; 趙君傑 ; 王宗                  p.8, 10, 27
              倫 Role of Capnography on Laryngeal Mask Airway   23.Freeman JF, Ciarallo C, Rappaport L, Mandt M, Bajaj
              Positioning: Preliminary Experience. Ann Disaster Med   L. Use of capnographs to assess quality of pediatric
              Vol 2 No.1 2003 p.7-13                             ventilation  with  3  different  airway  modalities.  The
           16.Atlas of Emergency Medicine Procedures p.77        American journal of emergency medicine 2015.
           17. 臺北市政府緊急救護技術員到院前緊急救護作業                          24.Leventis,  Charalampos,  et  al.  "Emergency  airway
              程序手冊 p.29                                          management  by  paramedics:  comparison  between

           18.Levine, Robert L., Marvin A. Wayne, and Charles C.   standard endotracheal intubation, laryngeal mask airway,
              Miller. "End-tidal carbon dioxide and outcome of out-  and I-gel." European Journal of Emergency Medicine
              of-hospital cardiac arrest." New England Journal of   21.5 (2014): 371-373.
              Medicine 337.5 (1997): 301-306.                 25.Maitra, Souvik, Puneet Khanna, and Dalim Kumar Baidya.
           19.Voss,  Sarah,  et  al.  "How  do  paramedics  manage   "Comparison of laryngeal mask airway Supreme and
              the  airway  during  out  of  hospital  cardiac  arrest?."   laryngeal mask airway Pro-Seal for controlled ventilation
              Resuscitation 85.12 (2014): 1662-1666.             during general anaesthesia in adult patients: systematic

           20. 成人大腦表現功能分類量表:                                     review  with  meta-analysis."  European  Journal  of
              CPC=1  大腦皮質功能良好;病人意識清楚,說話                          Anaesthesiology (EJA) 31.5 (2014): 266-273.

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