Page 13 - 106年3月消防月刊(全)
P. 13

Work Discussion  工作研討
                                                                                       Work Discussion 工作研討




              Study of including Home typhoon rescue in “Typhoon, disaster, fire and

              explosion disaster assistance types and standards”

                                                                        ■文╱內政部消防署 陳毅修、張榮助、廖怡如


                 內政部依據災害防救法第 48 條,訂定「風災震災火災爆炸災害救助種類及標準」(以下簡稱本

             每人新臺幣(以下同稱)2 萬,每戶以 5 口為限,最高 10 萬元之「安遷救助金」。

             Study of including Home typhoon rescue in “Typhoon, disaster, fire and explosion disaster rescue types
             and standards” The Ministry of the Interior formulated the Typhoon, disaster, fire and explosion disaster
             rescue types and standards” in accordance with Article 48 of the Disaster Prevention Act, stipulating that the
             government should provide an allowance when people suffer serious losses in a typhoon, earthquake, fire or
             explosion to the extent that their lives are affected, to allow them to meet their individual or family’s basic
             living needs. In cases when homes are damaged and rendered uninhabitable, householders can apply for an
             allowance of 20,000 per person and up to a total of NT$100,000 (five persons).

                 在 105 年 7 月 8 日尼伯特颱風侵襲臺灣後,                     尼伯特風災災區範圍之住屋。
             其破紀錄之 17 級強風造成臺東地區重創,但受                                為利未來若發生重大災害需由政府協助災
             災地區中,眾多民房住屋屋頂、門窗與鐵捲門毀                              區復原住屋時,可依本次專案救助方式辦理,內

             損,卻未達到不堪居住的程度而無法申請「安遷                              政部消防署(以下簡稱本署)奉行政院指示,研
             救助金」,因此內政部營建署依行政院指示,代                              議於本標準增訂住屋毀損相關救助規定之可行
             擬院函稿,於 105 年 7 月 15 日函請臺東縣等相                       性。本文謹就研析本標準納入住屋風災救助之過

             關直轄市、縣(市)政府以專案救助經公告列為                              程及研析情形分別說明。

                                                                                    消防月刊                   11
                                                                                    消防月刊 2017.32017.3
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