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               Origins of U.S. Firefighters’ Rescue and Safety Management

               System ( part I )

                                                                                圖 / 文 新北市政府消防局 洪土容

                  1854 年 4 月 25 日, 美 國 紐 約 市 百 老 匯 大 道 231 號 William
               T.Jennings 服飾店發生大火,服飾店南側為美國大飯店(American

               Hotel),20 多名消防人員於服飾店室內進行火勢控制作業,此時,服
               飾店南側牆面突然倒塌,造成 2 樓地板塌陷掉落 1 樓,1 樓樓地板因無
               法負荷載重,整層崩毀掉入地下室,14 名於服飾店 2 樓內部搶救之消
               防人員立即遭到建築物覆蓋而受困,此外,位於美國大飯店與 William

               T.Jennings 服飾店間部署水線之消防人員,亦遭到牆面倒塌而受困,
               共計 20 多名消防人員受困火場,指揮官立刻下令進行搶救作業,最終仍
               造成 11 名消防人員殉職 。

                  On April 25, 1854, William T. Jennings, a New York clothing store located at No.
               23 Broadway Avenue, broke out into flames. Neighboring the building to the south
               was the American Hotel. Almost immediately, about twenty firefighters rushed to
               the scene to bring the fire under control. While they were putting out the fire, the
               store´s southern support wall caved in, causing the second floor to collapse. The
               first floor succumbed to the added weight, and collapsed into the basement of the
               building, trapping fourteen firefighters who were on the second floor at the time.

               Another firefighter, who was handling the hoses running from William T. Jennings
               to the American Hotel, was also trapped. More than twenty firefighters were in
               need of rescue.  Although the captain immediately ordered his men to begin rescue
               operations, eleven firefighters lost their lives.

               1 A.E.Costelleo,Birth of the Bravest-A history of the New York Fire Department From 1609 To
                 1887, 2003.

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