Page 39 - 105年消防月刊4月號(全)
P. 39

Work Discussion  工作研討



                    Study of the related factors and effect of fire prevention and  rescue
                    team performance evaluation

                                                                                      ■文/內政部消防署 呂之言



             The aim of the National Fire Agency Civil Rescue Group and Rescue Volunteer Team Equipment
             Augmentation Long-term Plan (this plan hereafter) is to effectively use the power of civil rescue
             teams,strengthen their professional disaster prevention and rescue knowledge, and engage them in disaster
             emergency rescue work alongside government rescue teams, so disaster prevention and protection groups
             and civil voluntary organizations of disaster prevention and protection is brought into the disaster rescue
             system to make the disaster prevention and rescue system complete, with the aim of providing more optimal
             guarantees to the life and property of the public and reach the objective of national disaster rescue.

                                                                計資料顯示:92 年後水災及颱風有逐年增加之
                 本計畫執行期程自 97 年 1 月 1 日至 105 年                   趨勢,輔導民力健全體制,強化其專業防救災知

             12 月 31 日止(屬延續性計畫),施政類別為社                          能,在當時消防人力不足情況下,加強輔導成立
             會發展(內政及國土安全消防)類,係內政部重                              民力組織與充實裝備器材,實為刻不容緩之勢。

                                                                                    消防月刊 2016.4            37
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