Page 14 - 105年2月消防月刊(全)
P. 14
工作研討 Work Discussion
美國西雅圖市 Paramedics 訪臺座談會
從 OHCA 救治成功率
Paramedics from Seattle, USA attend a seminar in Taiwan
Exploring the differences in the emergency medical assistance environments
in Taiwan and the US from the perspective of OHCA treatment success rates
■文/內政部消防署 楊哲豪
西 雅圖市的緊急救護系統,一直備受推崇。104 年 12 月 4 日,急重症醫療發展基金會與林口長庚
醫院特別邀請來自西雅圖市的兩位 Paramedics 來臺,分享西雅圖市的救護經驗。根據該市文宣,
西雅圖市擁有高達 62% 的到院前心肺功能停止(OHCA)救治成功率,是非常驚人的成績,這點非常
吸引我。因此本文以 OHCA 急救成功率為出發點,簡單探討臺美兩地的緊急救護差異。
Seattle’s emergency assistance system has long been highly praised. On December 2, 2015, a seminar was
held by the Emergency and Critical Care Foundation at Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at which two
specially-invited paramedics from Seattle shared the city’s emergency assistance experience. According to
the city’s promotional materials, it has an OHCA successful treatment rate of 62%, an amazing achievement
and one that really attracted me. This paper takes OHCA treatment success rate as the starting point and
briefly discusses the differences in emergency assistance in Taiwan and the US.
12 消防月刊 2016.2