Page 50 - 201605030250104年12月消防月刊(全)
P. 50

工作研討 Work Discussion

              新北 119 邁向第三代

              提升服務效率 獲得顧客滿意

                  Towards 3  Generation 119
                  Raise service efficiency  Satisfy customers

                                                                ■文/新北市政府消防局 李勝傑、陳柏儒、羅凱文


                119 為消防勤務的中樞神經,也是消防服務的火車頭,所以 119 的演變也成為當地消防的歷史,

           民國 35 年 2 月 28 日公布「臺灣省各縣市義勇消防隊編訓辦法」後,於民國 36 年 8 月 14 日頒發「各
           自行受理出勤,因而衍生受理品質不一,無法確保每個需求是否遺漏或被記錄的問題。民國 84 年 3

           月 1 日消、警分立,各縣市陸續成立消防局,民國 87 年 7 月 1 日臺北縣政府消防局正式成立,同時
           亦成立勤務指揮中心集中受理 119 報案電話,解決了分區受理的問題。
                臺北縣政府消防局集中受理後以轄區派遣方式運行 15 年,我們從中發現新的問題:以人工方式藉


            119 is the nerve center of fire protection duty and also the locomotive of fire protection service. The
            evolution of 119 has become fire protection history. After the promulgation of the Rules for the organization
            and training of volunteer fire brigades in the cities and counties of Taiwan Province on February 28, 1946,
            the Rules for the establishment of fire protection organizations at every level” were promulgated on August
            14, 1947, making the firefighting organizations of counties and cities “fire brigades” under local police
            departments. At the time, each fire station received reports of fires and responded itself, giving rise to
            variations in report acceptance quality and no way of knowing if all requirements had been met or recorded.
            On March 1, 1995 police and fire service were separated and fire departments were successively set up by
            city and county government. On July 1, 1998, Taipei City Fire Department was officially established and a
            Duty Command Center was established at the same time to receive all fire report telephone, calls solving the
            problems associated with acceptance by each area.

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