Page 30 - 104年10月消防月刊
P. 30

工作研討 Work Discussion



              Smart fire command decision support system

              Helping commanders gain an understanding of rescue vehicles
                                                                                 ■文/新北市政府消防局 郭毓倫



           作,共分為線上版及離線版兩大部分,線上版系統以平板電腦透過 3G 網路或 Wi-Fi 連線達到網路傳


            In order to strengthen disaster relief command systems, integrate overall relief operations and give fire
            command-level officers a way to easily and quickly access the data needed, the New Taipei City Government
            Fire Department and Chunghwa Telecom jointly developed a "smart fire command decision support system”,
            used on highly water and dust resistant tablets. This way, commanders at the scene can be provided with all
            kinds of information as soon as they need it in order to direct staff and strengthen command performance.
            The “smart fire command decision support system” will have an integrated operation interface system
            designed to work with the Tablet’s operation mode. This is in order to facilitate operation at disaster relief
            sites, and is divided into two parts; the online version and the offline version. The online version works
            through the tablet’s 3G network or Wi-Fi connection to reach the network transmission inquiry, links to
            the related information needed to assist command decisions, and can also feedback the on-site situation to
            the command center. The offline version is mainly for use when there is a poor signal, reinforcing relevant
            information queries, using preset image data from within the tablet for comparison. It can display water
            sources and diagrams of the surrounding streets in real-time and provide the commanders at the scene with
            the preliminary information required for the rescue.

           28   消防月刊 2015.10
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