Page 14 - 104年07月消防月刊(全)
P. 14

工作研討 Work Discussion

               防火管理教學成效                                                           ■文/內政部消防署 廖為昌


            A preliminary self evaluation  of fire prevention teaching effort


           異為何?特別是即將踏入這一行的新人,對法規應用的理解情形如何?適逢最近任教 104 年度消防安

           全檢查專業講習班(以下簡稱安檢班)及 103 年消防特考班(以下簡稱特考班),分別為目前及未來
           的執法人員,恰巧可抽樣 2 班教授日期僅相差一天的班別,做為比較對象。



           Been involved with fire prevention management for a while, hence I am curious about the difference of concepts of  fire
           prevention law between rookie firefighter and senior firefighter? In particular, what is the basic understanding of relative
           regulations of freshman in the fire fighting field would have? As I teached in the 2015 safety inspection course and the
           2014 Special Examination for Firefighters Course, the participants were current firefighters and future law enforcers. we
           could compare the difference of these two groups as case study., .
           The main difference between these two groups  will describe as follows:
           Firstly, the participants of fire safety inspection course have passed a national examination and are current firefighters
           who have practical experience. The source of these student are usually from police college, the special examination
           courses and Central Police University (including graduate school).
           Secondly, Students on the special examination course have passed the national examination and are rookie fire fighters-
           with limit understanding about the relative regulations.Most of them are graduates from high school, university ,
           graduate school or people who have work experience. It is difficult to compare the two groups from the perspective of
           education and age as minor cases shown that  some people studied in  Police College after graduated from university
           while  others passed the special examination after graduated from NTU graduate school.Thus it is would be more
           objective to evaluate the two groups in average level. It is without doubt that participants of fire safety inspection
           course will exceed the group of special examination. However what is the main difference of concept of fire prevention
           management law enforcement as special examination students completed the course? As instructor carries out a test for
           these two groups of students, what will be the difference of test result?

           12   消防月刊 2015.7
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