Page 18 - 104年06月消防月刊(全)
P. 18
工作研討 Work Discussion
Electrical fire prevention safety promotion
▓文/內政部消防署 林依蘋
依據內政部消防署民國 100 至 103 年,近 4 年來火災數據統計資料顯示,國內近年火災總件數
已呈現下降趨勢,從 100 年的 1,772 件至 103 年的 1,417 件,降低幅度為 20%。其次以 103 年火災發
生原因進行分析,前 3 名依序為電氣設備 451 次,占所有火災數 31.8%;人為縱火 213 次,占 15%;
菸蒂 146 件亦佔 10.3%,可見全國火災案件以電氣火災為主(圖 1)。
According to fire statistics of the National Fire Agency, MOI,from 2011 to 2014 the domestic total number of fires has
decreased in recent years, from 1,772 in 2011 to 1,417 in 2014, a reduction of 20%. Secondly, upon analysis of fires in
2014, the top 3 causes were electrical equipment (451 cases, 31.8% of all fires); arson (213, 15%); and cigarette butts
(146, 10.3%), showing that electrical fires are the main cause of fires in Taiwan (Figure 1). From the above analysis, the
following will review several cases in order to highlight the importance of preventing electrical fires, and finally draw
attention to the relevant electrical knowledge to improve electrical safety and create a safe living space together.
▓ 103 年火災起火原因統計。
16 消防月刊 2015.6