Page 12 - 104年05月消防月刊(全)
P. 12
工作研討 Work Discussion
Fire prevention administrator training on-site situation and
strengthening measures
▓文/內政部消防署 洪銘謙
The objective of fire protection safety, apart from installing fire protection safety equipment, also requires fire prevention
management and maintenance and holding of fire emergency response exercises at ordinary times so as to allow fire
protection safety equipment and personnel to have maximum effectiveness in the event of an actual fire.
Fire protection safety equipment must meet the requirements of related laws and building managers must have good
prevention awareness; regular staff fire response exercises also need to be carried to allow the expected function to be
brought into play in the event of an actual fire. The Fire Services Act requires that the unit with management rights with
regards to public buildings over a certain size must appoint a Fire Prevention Administrator from the ranks of managers
or supervisors and that a fire prevention and protection plan must be formulated in accordance with the characteristics of
the building; employee fire extinguishing reporting, fire protection safety equipment maintenance, fire prevention escape
facilities and energy equipment use, and other management and supervisory measures must also be implemented.
管理幹部擔任防火管理人前,必須先接 人口較不密集地區新增訓練場地,並定期辦理講
受防火管理人之講習訓練,可辦理訓練之機關 習,俾便民眾就近參訓。
有直轄市、縣(市)消防局或消防署認可之專 103 年度共計辦理防火管理人訓練初訓 467
業訓練機構。目前經消防署認可的訓練機構 期、複訓 752 期,訓練人數初訓有 15397 人,複
計有 53 家,分布於各直轄市、縣(市),惟 訓有 27220 人。近 5 年辦理的防火管理人訓練班
仍以人口密集之都市地區較多。為普及訓練地 期及人次如下頁圖。
10 消防月刊