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P. 21

Work Discussion  工作研討



                      Powerful Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Tool —AUTOPULSE

                                                                                   █文/臺北市政府消防局 洪書揚
             救     止 OHCA(Out Of Hospital Cardiac Arrest)                          █圖/洪書揚提供

             Pulmonary Resuscitation)就是到院前心肺停止救

                 「生命之鍊」5 環中的第 2 環 CPR,是最有
             無呼吸、無脈搏,為了避免心肺停止 OHCA 患者

             神經受損,心臟和腦必須藉著有效率和不間斷的                              █分隊操作救護 OHCA 流程搭配自動心肺復甦機,2 人一組訓練情形。


             The most urgent situation faced at Emergency
             Medical Service is OHCA (Out Of Hospital Cardiac
             Arrest). If the EMT personnel can rescusitate the
             patient in time, the possibility of patient’s survival
             will increase. This means Cardio  Pulmonary
             Resuscitation(CPR) is the most crucial emergency   █分隊操作救護 OHCA 流程搭配自動心肺復甦機,2 人一組訓練情形。
             first aid treatment for OHCA.
             continuous                                             關於 CPR 技術,要回朔至 1960 年代早期,
             The second link in the Chain of Survival, CPR,     被國外醫師發現病患心搏驟停時,施救者手部按
             is the most effective resuscitation method after   壓病患胸腔的動作能有效急救,因此這個動作漸
             cardiac arrest. It must be confirmed that the patent
             is unconscious, without breathing and also no      漸被廣為流傳,之後再結合口對口人工呼吸,才
             pulse. To prevent nerve damage, a steady supply of   成為今日 CPR 流程的雛型。
             oxygen must be maintained to the heart and brain       隨著醫學進步,AED(自動體外心臟去顫器
             by continuous CPR. It enables blood to exchanges
             oxygen from the lungs and circulates to the brain   Automated External Defibrillator)的出現、呼吸道
             and whole body to keep brain cells and organ tissue   處置技術也日漸成熟,因此 CPR 的急救流程不
             alive and maintain the life cycle.

                                                                                    消防月刊 2017.9            19
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