Page 6 - 105年7月消防月刊(全)
P. 6

專題報導 Special Report



               Introduction to LPG container storage facilities in various countries



                液化石油氣(桶裝瓦斯)及天然氣為國內重要的民生用燃氣,其中桶裝瓦斯用戶數達 450 萬以
           上,天然氣用戶 319 萬,但國內天然氣公司目前有 25 家(主管機關為經濟部能源局),因家數較

           管理亦有較完善之制度,故違規情形較少。但液化石油氣販賣場所之規模較小,通常為 1 至 2 人之
           瓦斯行,且僅須取得公司或商業登記即可營業,國內約有 3,000 多家,管理上因場所數量較多,督


                                            Liquid petroleum gas -LPG (tank gas) and natural gas are the main
                                            gases uses in homes in Taiwan. There are over 4.5 million users of the
                                            former, 3.19 million more users than natural gas. At present, there are
                                            25 natural gas companies in Taiwan (the competent authority is the
                                            Energy Bureau. MOEA). The number of companies is fairly small and
                                            most are quite large in scale; one county usually has 1-2 companies and
                                            there is minimal mutual grabbing of customers. The operating threshold
                                            is high and management is also based on a fairly complete system, so
                                            few infringements occur. However, LPG sales premises are quite small,
                                            usually gas shops manned by 1-2 people, and can operate with just
                                            company or business registration. There are over 3000 such businesses
                                            in Taiwan. The large number means that supervision and inspection is
                                            time-consuming; there is also quite intense competition between LPG
                                            businesses that results in rule infringements to lower operating costs,
                                            and they are also quite difficult to manage.

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