Page 30 - 105年6月消防月刊(全)
P. 30

工作研討 Work Discussion



                 Statistical analysis and discussion for public hazardous material
                 premise fires

                                                                                    ■文/內政部消防署 何遠榮


                消防法第 15 條第 1 項規定:「公共危險物品及可燃性高壓氣體應依其容器、裝載及搬運方法進

           及消防署所屬港務消防隊所報 98 年至 104 年火災事故調查結果予以研析,並提出相關改進建議。

           Paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Fire Services Act states:“Public hazardous substances and flammable
           pressurized gases shall be safely handled depending on their containers, loading and handling methods, and
           shall be stored or disposed with safe methods at where they are manufactured, stored or disposed once they
           have reached the specified quantity for control” and the Act also authorizes the Rules for Public hazardous
           substances and flammable pressurized gases facility establishment standards and safety management.”  To
           obtain an understanding of the safety management situation in Public hazardous substances premises across
           Taiwan for reference  in amending related regulations , formulating disaster response measures  and in safety
           supervision personnel training, the Japan Fire and Disaster Management Agency  White Paper on hazardous
           substance facility disaster prevention measures have been used as reference and results of fire investigations
           from the various city/county fire departments and harbor fire brigades under the NFA from 2009 to 2015 have
           been analyzed,  and related suggestions put forward.

           28   消防月刊 2016.6
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