Page 13 - 103年消防月刊 10月號 (全)
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          內政部推動                                                            ◆ ◆內政部參事黃景茂率隊前往金門縣實施督導


          Ministry of the Interior Promotes Joint Supervision Case for Public
          Safety in Narrow Alleys - Executive Summary

                                                                           圖 / 文 內政部消防署 陳世勳、徐忠賢、李玉如

            鑑於 102 年 1 月 15 日新竹縣新埔鎮火災案受到媒體及社會各界關注,對於巷
          動線巷道小且民眾自畫停車格違規停車,雖當地消防單位第 1 時間 6 名消防人員

          僅有約不到 3 分鐘可供救援時間,雖後續其他支援消防單位陸續抵達,無法避免

          停車與違建之取締、救災技能等事項。內政部於 102 年 4 月 11 日至 7 月 4 日辦
          理第 1 階段督導,再於今(103)年 1 月 3 日至 23 日會同交通部辦理第 2 階段

             Given that the January 15, 2013 fire in Sinpu Township of Hsinchu County grabbed the attention
          of the media and various levels of community, public safety issues regarding buildings nestled within
          narrow alleys have been given considerable priority. For this case, the building that caught on fire was
          surrounded by a relief roadway that had been too small. Furthermore, people had drawn their own
          parking spaces there illegally. Although a local fire response unit consisting of six firefighters arrived
          at the scene immediately to use the hoseline and conduct rescues inside the house, there was only less
          than three minutes of rescue time remaining due to the rapid spread of the gasoline fire. Even though
          other supporting fire units subsequently arrived, they were unable to prevent tragedy. After the fire,
          the Hsinchu County government, Ministry of the Interior, and other such government organizations
         each held response-related meetings. Additionally, they collaborated with relevant authorities to
         continue promoting and handling follow-up matters, strengthening road management within alleys,
         implementing parking plans, enforcing regulations against parking violations and illegal construction,
         teaching disaster relief skills, and other such actions. The Ministry of the Interior implemented stage
          one supervision measures from April 11, 2013 to July 4, 2013, and proceeded with stage two joint
          supervision measures with the Ministry of Transportation and Communication from January 3, 2014
          to March 23, 2014 to improve the public safety in alleys.

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