Page 21 - 103年消防月刊 9月號 (全)
P. 21

Forum 工作研討


               之 防護對策探討

               A Discussion on Protective Measures for Residents Living Near

               Nuclear Accident Sites

                                                                                   圖 / 文 內政部消防署 張哲維

                  自 1956 年第 1 座核能發電廠於英國建立後,至今發生幾件重大的核
               子事故,其中較為著名的事件包含 1986 年 4 月 26 日蘇聯發生震驚國

               際的車諾比爾核電廠災變、1979 年 3 月 28 日美國賓夕凡尼亞州哈里斯
               堡的三哩島核能電廠 2 號機跳機造成反應器爐心熔毀事件以及最近 2011

               年 3 月 11 日的日本福島核災等。雖然核能發電廠有嚴格的監控系統以及



                  Since the first nuclear power plant was established in the United Kingdom in 1956,
               there have been several major nuclear accidents. The most famous events include
               the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster in the Soviet Union on April 26, 1986,

               the reactor core meltdown caused by a malfunction of the Three Mile Island Unit 2
               nuclear power plant in Harrisburg, U.S.A on March 28, 1979, and Japan's Fukushima
               nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011. Although nuclear power plants have a strict
               monitoring system backed up by layers of protective measures, how do we plan for
               the evacuation of nearby residents if a nuclear accident was to be caused by factors,
               such as natural or manmade disasters? The specification of protective measures to
               minimize damage is particularly important. Shelters and refuge are part of major
               strategies that must be implemented in a nuclear accident. This paper uses documents
               and data collection to explore the regulations regarding the shelter and evacuation

               plan of residents living near nuclear power plants.

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