Page 32 - 消防月刊3月號
P. 32

工作研討 A Command Post on the Sand Table Planned by Taipei City Disaster Emergency Operation Center
 ◆ 圖 . 文 / 臺北市政府消防局 楊宸宇、臺北市義勇特搜隊 洪維忼、企業防災志工 湯宗達、美國安伯瑞德航天大學 張賢龢博士 壹、前言
去年年底,臺北市政府邀請旅美災害管理專家張賢龢博士依據美國「國土安全部演練評估計 畫」(Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Plan, HSEEP)的內容與要點,為臺北市規 劃 1 場桌上模擬演練,雖然是根據 HSEEP 的理念規劃,但張博士又按照自身經驗與我國國情 進行修正。
At the end of 2019, Taipei City Government invited Dr. Zhang, Xian-he, a Taiwanese expert adept at disaster management, to plan a drill for Taipei City, based on the US Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Plan (HSEEP). Dr. Zhang, however, accommodated some changes according to his experience and Taiwan’s condition.
The one-and-a-half-day drill consisted of three topics, each containing four small activities. The goals of this drill were: (1) to cultivate the students’ communication and collaboration skills in case of a disaster, (2) to teach them how to set priority for the emergency rescue process, (3) to familiarize them with the setup of a command post (4) to instruct them how to communicate with the media on the spot.

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