Page 6 - 106年4月消防月刊(全)
P. 6
專題報導 Special Report
Mountain accident rescue mechanism current situation and promotion
Mountain climbing is gaining popularity all the time in Taiwan and the number of people engaging in the
actrivity increases year by year. Global warming has caused extreme weather, resulting in longer and longer
snow seasons in mountain areas. Many people who engage in mountain climbing lack knowledge and
experience, are inadequately equipped and are ill-prepared, resulting in frequent climbing accidents. Extreme
weather also often causes situations in which climbers need rescuing.
如 102 年 12 月 22 日黃姓民眾攀登大劍山失 動員前往救助,並持續投入大量人力、物力進行
聯案、104 年 1 月 1 日臺中市雪季品田山登山客 救援,連續多日搜尋;救援人員往往冒著地形陡
墜崖救援案及近期 106 年 3 月 3 日臺北市政府消 峭、落石不斷及雪季低溫易凍傷等惡劣環境進行
防同仁攀登南二子山失聯等案,每遇山域意外事 救援。茲將山域意外事故發生原因及社會大眾所
故人命救助,地方政府消防機關皆於最短時間內 關心議題,分析事故發生爭議與課題如下:
4 消防月刊 2017.4