Page 28 - 105年11月消防月刊(全)
P. 28
工作研討 Work Discussion
Cherish ambulance resources Evaluation of the policy of charging for
inappropriate use of ambulances
■文/內政部消防署 魏健利
隨著環境的多樣性,民眾對於緊急救護的需求大增,依據內政部消防署統計,民國 87 年全國各
消防機關緊急救護出勤總次數為 33 萬 5 千 4 百餘次,急救人數 23 萬 4 千 7 百餘人,104 年緊急救護
出勤總次數為 17 年前的 3 倍,急救人數為 3.8 倍,分別達到 110 萬餘次及 89 萬 1 千餘人,救護件數
每年平均以 5.29%速率成長,由此推估在可預見的將來,出勤件數將持續攀升,緊急醫療救護體系與
緊急醫療救護法第 20 條規定:「救護車執行勤務,應依據所在地直轄市、縣(市)衛生主管機
關訂定之收費標準收費。」臺北市、桃園市、新竹市、高雄市、臺中市及新竹縣等 6 個直轄市、縣(市)
為評估分析上開 6 個直轄市、縣(市)收費制度對於民眾珍惜救護資源之成效,爰就國內外消防
As the environment becomes more diverse, people’s need for emergency care has increased substantially.
NFA, MOI figures show that, in 1998, fire departments nationally were called out to provide emergency care
more than 335,400 times, treating more than 234,600 people. In 2015, the number of call outs was three times
the 1998 figure and the number of people treated up by 380%, over 1.1 million times and 891,000 persons,
respectively. The number of rescue cases is increasing at the rapid rate of 5.29% annually. It can thus be
surmised that, in the foreseeable future, the number of call outs will continue to climb and the emergency
medical care system will have an even more indivisible connection to society.
26 消防月刊 2016.11