Page 29 - 105年8月消防月刊
P. 29
Work Discussion 工作研討
Introduction to information security situation and sharing of
information security attacks
■文/內政部消防署 趙郁婷
年 7 月 9 日至 10 日,國內知名銀行多臺 ATM 遭盜領金額共約 7,000 餘萬元,是國內
105 第 1 起大型 ATM 盜領案。經調閱監視影像,發現嫌犯在未操作 ATM 的情況下,即可
自 ATM 盜領現鈔,警方初步研判可能遭植入惡意程式執行吐鈔,引起社會譁然,也使民眾開始正
On July 9 and 10 2016, over NT$70 million was stolen from a large number of ATM machines of a well-
known domestic bank, the largest such theft ever in Taiwan. Closed circuit TV footage showed that the
suspects had taken cash form the ATM machines without operating them, leading the police to suspect that a
malicious program had been installed in the system and had made the machines spit out money. This crime
shocked the public and led to people attaching more importance to information security.
內政部消防署為遂行災害防救工作,近來 務)、應變服務平臺(應變中心核心運作功能,
建置相關資通訊系統,如防救災雲端計畫資訊系 使用者操作區提供災情管制、搜索救援、疏散收
統之下建立共通與基礎服務平臺(提供雲端機房 容及親友協尋等功能)與訊息服務平臺(透過單
消防月刊 2016.8 27