Page 35 - 105年消防月刊5月號(全)
P. 35

Work Discussion  工作研討

               104 年直轄市、縣(市)政府



                 2015 public safety management and instruction plan of narrow
                 lanes by  municipal and county governments

                                                                         ■文/內政部消防署 陳世勳、吳禮安、王才瑋


                 102 年 1 月 15 日新竹縣新埔鎮民宅火災案造成傷亡後,總統府、行政院、監察院及社會各界都

             違規取締工作」等重點,訂定相關評核內容,於 104 年 6 月 25 日函發「104 年各直轄市、縣(市)


             On January 15  2013, after the housing fire that caused casualties in Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County,
             Office of the President, Executive Yuan, Control Yuan, and all circles of society took the matter of parking
             management in lanes and alleys and difficult fire rescues seriously. In order to continue to supervise municipal
             and county government promotion and execution of safety management in narrow lanes, the Ministry of the
             Interior gathered the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and related agencies (National Police
             Agency, Construction and Planning Agency, and National Fire Agency) together. We focused on the key points
             such as, “narrow lane rescue drills,” “cracking down on the illegal structures that block fire prevention spaces,”
             “establishment of no parking marked lines and signs,” and “cracking down on road blocks and traffic violations”
             and stipulated related evaluation contents. On June 25  2015, we issued the “2015 municipal and county
             government narrow lane public safety management instruction plan” for the execution of local government. The
             plan is divided into the first half and second half of the year. Local government first conducted self-evaluations.
             The Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Transportation and Communications conducted inspections
             according to the status of execution by local government, and guided the local government to continue
             conducting rescue drills and cracking down on illegal construction and violations. We also supervised the local
             government to complete the markings and establishment of signs prohibiting parking in those areas.

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