Page 50 - 104年02月消防月刊
P. 50

工作研討 Work Discussion


                Brief Introduction to the Emergency Rescue Mechanism of

                American Firefighters

             In the USA in the past Rookie School and some firefighting unit did not provide instruction on executing emergency
             rescue procedures. Not even the JPRs--Job Performance Requirements--of Firefighter I and Firefighter II required
             standards for emergency rescue skills.
             Normally, if a firefighter lands in a dangerous situation, they rarely need the help of other rescue personnel to get
             them out. If a firefighter does get into a dangerous spot (e.g. they become trapped, run out of oxygen, or lose their
             bearings), they will try to resolve the problem independently or seek a way to extricate themselves, rather than send
             a distress signal. The result is that a distress may be sent too late, and the firefighter may die in the line of duty.
             For this reason, if firefighting organizations are able to plan, in advance, the distress call criteria (i.e. Recognition
             Primed Decision-Making Parameters-RPDPs), firefighters can decide based on these factors whether to send an
             emergency distress call, and not miss the chance to call for help.

                                                                                 ■文/新北市政府消防局 洪土容

                                                              Making Parameters-RPDPs),消防人員即能依照

                過去,美國初級消防人員訓練學校(Rookie                        求救時機。然而,界定「緊急求救認知決定因
           school)及部 分消防單 位,並未教 授如何 執                         素」並非想像中容易,係因消防人員執行救災
           行 緊 急 求 救 程 序, 甚 至 包 括 Firefighter Ⅰ 及             環境大多具有生命及健康立即危險(Immediately

           Firefighter Ⅱ 的 工 作 能 力 需 求(Job performance        Dangerous to Life or Health-IDLH), 故 並 非 處 於
           requirements-JPRs),也未規範緊急求救能力的                     IDLH 環境的救災人員均需發送緊急求救訊號。
           標準。                                                因此,界定此類因素必須審慎,避免過度廣泛使

                消防人員對於災害現場的反應、行為及決                            用,反而造成救災困擾。此外,教導消防人員發
           策,多源自平時的教育訓練及救災經驗,當消防                              送緊急求救訊號,不應僅侷限於流程訓練。心理
           人員遭遇未經歷的救災狀況或緊急求救狀態,可                              上也應教導同仁,發送緊急求救訊號並非代表放

           能發生無法立即反應的情況。一般而言,消防人                              棄任務、救災失敗、懦弱、膽小或能力不足。不
           員自身陷入危險狀態,需要其他救災人員協助脫                              論救災能力或專業技術如何高超,都有可能遇到
           困的機率並不高,以致消防人員遭遇危急狀況時                              需要發送緊急求救訊號的情況,緊急求救訊號發
           (例如:受困、氣瓶用罄、空間迷失等),大多                              送後,也可隨時取消或解除。

           先企圖自行解決問題或尋找撤離出口,而非先發                                  美 國 消 防 協 會(American Heat and U.S Fire
           出求救訊號,導致因延遲求救而殉職。                                  Administration Nation Fire Academy)於「消防呼救
                因此,假設消防機關能預先設計「緊急求                            實踐之訓練(暫譯)」“Calling the Mayday:Hands

           救認知決定因素」(Recognition Primed Decision-              on training for firefighters "(2008)文章中指出,

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