Page 28 - 消防月刊-102年4月號
P. 28

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               From Rescue Nets to Rescue Air Cushions- Are They New Role Models
               for Disaster Rescue Or Simply Beautiful Mistakes?

                                                                               圖 / 文 新北市政府消防局 林登港




                    The use of rescue nets and rescue air cushions is to reduce the damage to the
               victims falling down from a higher place. Rescue nets, already a history, are seldom
               used. Nonetheless, rescue air cushions are still used by modern firefighters to rescue
               those who attempt to jump from a building. However, whether air cushions are helpful
               to those who jump out of a burning building remains to be seen. It has to be evaluated
               through the surroundings of the fire scene. This paper, through the databank retrieval
               system of the United States Patent & Trademark Office, related literature and review of
               news reports for cases, analyzes the development and the status quo of the Rescue
               nets & rescue air cushions and use the building fire growth curve and math planning
               conception to study the correlation between the fire prevention and fire rescue to
               examine the challenges and limits modern firefighting mechanism faces for the
               reference to firefighting administration.

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