Page 26 - 消防月刊12月號
P. 26
工作研討 A Brief Discussion on Team Resource Management
◆ 圖 . 文 / 臺北市政府消防局 楊文碩、謝金明
團隊資源管理是由航空界的機員資源管理演變而來,在 1970 年代發生許多重大的航空事故, 這些意外皆為人為錯誤所造成,從機組人員之間的溝通、分工不均、階級鴻溝及危機處理等皆存 在改善空間。財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會 ( 以下簡稱醫策會 ) 在 2008 年引進美國醫療 照護研究及品質機構 (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, AHRQ) 所推廣之改善效率 與病人安全之策略與工具 (Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety, Team STEEP) 訓練教材,並參照本土化的設計成為 TRM 訓練課程,積極的將 TRM 的觀念推動 在醫療機構中,以病人安全為宗旨的安全文化,包含了病人安全、醫護人員安全、機器安全。
Team resource management (TRM) evolved from crew resource management (CRM) in the aviation industry. In the 1970s, many major aviation accidents occurred as a result of human error. Problems such as communication between crew members, uneven division of labor, class gaps, and crisis management needed to be addressed.
In 2008, the Joint Commission of Taiwan (JCT) introduced Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (Team STEPPS) promoted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and then adapted them into a locally-based TRM training courses. Thereafter, JCT has striven to implement the TRM concept in medical institutions in order to cultivate a safety culture, which prioritizes the safety of patients as well as medical staff and machines.