Page 17 - 2018消防月刊9月份
P. 17
the relevant education and training has to be implemented without delay. In order to strengthen
the ability of the duty personnel at Rescue Command Centers in every level of fire institutions,
and enhance their skills in accepting emergency cases, dispatching rescue forces, follow-up and
control, as well as reporting procedure, and upgrade their capability of professional judgment and
emergency response through innovative teaching methods, National Fire Agency organizes 10
classes of 3-day intensive course on duty service for current duty personnel at Rescue Command
Centers subordinating to fire departments in different municipalities, cities, and counties, and NFA’s
Harbor Fire Brigades, in hopes of improving service efficiency, assisting the rescuers on site more Work Discussion
effectively, and then highlighting the government’s goals of quality disaster prevention. Because
of the service requirements, many of the Emergency Hotline 119 duty personnel in the cities and
counties did not have the opportunity to visit NFA Training Center and make use of the facilities
there. This training course will also enable the participants to know more about NFA’s training
二、教學相長 - 訓之有理 ீཀ੶ʷڗࣛගੂාҦ̷ሙʿա
͉ϣᇖሙʫ࢙˸੶ʷੂාɛࡰ၇ၡ ଣࣩ࿒ܓၾҦ̷ഃԒːᜳሙdԴ
ܢࣩաଣeݼeᔳ၍ՓၾஷజʈЪe੶ ੂාɛࡰኪ୦ᔟ͟ɓԬੰٙ˙جၪܵ
ʷੂාɛࡰ᜕ʹݴʿʺੂාࣖଟၾϞ ɢၾ༶ਗʿːଣաՑᏀɢၡᐺٙሜቇd
ࣖпତఙહӨɛࡰމ˴ᕚdவ 3 ɽ˴ᕚ ԨԴ͜Νଣːʿሔ༑Ҧ̷dආɓӉпତ
ኬɝdዧ೯᜕̈ၾจԈʹݴٙ˦ڀdνɨj ఙહӨɛࡰ՟һϞлٙહӨ༟ৃf
( ɓ ) ੶ʷॴऊԣዚᗫહӨહᚐܸ౨ʕːੂා
◎文 / 內政部消防署 蘇畯譯
◎圖 / 蘇畯譯 提供 ɛࡰ၇ၡܢࣩաଣeݼeᔳ၍Փ 三、創新思維 - 激盪腦力
ၾஷజʈЪjᔟ͟ሙܸ౨ݼࣩԷী ͉ϣԃᇖሙ༪୭ཀֻϥؐٙબሙ࣪
ሞၾஷజࠠᓃʿੂාဲ່e˦Өวહ ݖdԨආɓӉኬɝ 4 ࡈ௴อኪࠦΣf
ʿՉ˼วહᗳࣩܸ౨ݼࡡۆʿဲ່ী ( ɓ ) Դ͜ʃଡ଼όኪdᄣආጤ̹ʹݴj
ሞeDACPR ʿɽඎෆषઃહᚐܸ౨ ʃଡ଼όኪɦ̙၈މΥЪόኪdɗ
ݼࡡۆʿဲ່ীሞʘʃଡ଼ኪdԴ ݊࣬ኽٟึːଣኪٙʃྠଣሞd༈
ॴऊԣዚᗫહӨહᚐܸ౨ʕːੂාɛࡰ࿁ ଣሞႩމʃྠٙϓࡰึʝԱ፠Ԩପ
ੂාʿஷజዚՓһ̋ᆞັdԨᏨীࣩ ͛ᒰ᙮ชeᚑชfԱኽϤଣሞਗ਼फॴΎ
աଣeݼeᔳ၍ՓၾஷజʘੂБࠢՓ ʱމʃଡ଼dீཀΥЪኪ୦ዚึd̙ᄣආኪ
ၾࣖঐd˸лධࣩʘஈໄf ࡰගٙධҦঐdνڌ༺ʿ๖ஷঐɢeମ
( ɚ ) ੶ʷੂාɛࡰ᜕ʹݴjॴऊԣዚᗫ ʕӋΝeীሞԈԨ୕จԈഃ̙Դʃଡ଼
હӨહᚐܸ౨ʕːੂාɛࡰᔟ͟ሙʆ ϓࡰᐏʝᏍпኪ୦ٙዚึdϾʺ
ਹԫ݂ஈଣءจԫධʿήྡࢁྡЪၾ ኪ୦ϓࣖf༈ϣԃᇖԨਗ਼ጤ̹ա
༶͜ʿɽᅼӨᗭܸ౨ݼЪᅼ ኪࡰ̻ѩʱৣЇϣdΎਗ਼ϣԱኽ
ᏝစᇖၾࣩԷʱԮආБࣩԷʱԮၾจ 6 ேeጤ̹eᕎࢥeಥਕऊԣඟeӲɾ̻
Ԉʹ౬d༺Ցן࢝ԣહӨൖၾܠၪe ѩʱৣʃଡ଼dԨ˸͂ॎචॴ˙ό፬
ʝʹݴʿ᜕ʱԮdආϾϞࣖήʺ ଣdೌሞඟࡰeʃඟڗeɗЇ߅ࡰe߅ڗe
ੂාࣖঐf ˴ޫ၈խމኪࡰdኪࡰගʝ၈Νኪא˸
( ɧ ) ʺੂාࣖଟၾϞࣖпତఙહӨɛࡰj ၞ၈ʘd˸ΝᅼόʱԮІԒ᜕ʿʈ