Page 7 - 消防月刊-107年6月號
P. 7


                 In terms of emergency response, Ministry of the Interior also brings up 6 ways to improve the
            disaster response efficiency: ensuring the timeliness and accuracy of Central Emergency Operation
            Center (CEOC) message releases, collecting the disaster information and public opinion through
            internet and social media, strengthening alert message delivery measures, upgrading humanitarian
            assistance capabilities, enhancing the efficacy of airborne rescue and the mobilization and              SPECIAL REPORT
            response efficiency in early stage, and coordinating relevant ministries and departments for full
            cooperation. By doing so, the disaster prevention and response could be carried out, and people’s
            lives and properties would be guaranteed appropriately, in hopes of minimizing the damage and
            loss caused by disasters.

                 ӊϋ 5 ˜ 1 ˚Ї 11 ˜ 30 ˚މҢ਷ԣϯಂd                             ٟਜ၍ଣ։ࡰึਂމҷഛԱኽfԨ
            މΪᏐڐϋΌଢମ੬ंࡉМᎇϾԸٙ੶डჱࠬ                                          ሗ΢༈၍ጤ ( ̹ ) ִ݁՘пʿຖڮ

            ʿ੶ࠥڠהிϓٙӨ࢔ၾላᏘdִ݁ೌࣛೌՍ                                          ٟਜ፬ଣ္಻eԚݟʿΚᎈஷజഃ
            ʔᅘɢ׵Ө࢔ԣહʈЪɪdމəਗ਼Ө࢔੭Ըٙ                                          ણ݄dԨᏐܔͭၡܢΚᎈʿମ੬ً

            ฦ̰ࠥЇ௰Эdഗ͏଺ɓࡈе׵Ө࢔۾উٙ͛                                          رʘஈໄણ݄f
            ݺᐑྤdӊϋίϯಂԸᑗʘۃdִ݁ޫतй০                                    ( 四 ) 廣告招牌巡查固定:

            ࿁΢ධ዆௪ʈЪආБᆵᓃdৰəໝྼ̻ࣛӨ࢔                                          107 ϋ୕ࠇЇ 6 ˜ 19 ˚ຖኬၽ̹̏
            ԣહʈЪ̮dʫ݁௅ 107 ϋतй০࿁ 8 ධࠠᓃ                                     ഃ 14 ጤ€̹ִ݁װৰΚᎈם೐΍

            ੶ʷԣჱԣӨ዆௪ʈЪʿ 6 ධ౤ʺӨ࢔Ꮠᜊࣖ                                        ࠇ 1,334 ஈdԨܵᚃપਗஈଣʕf
            ঐЪุ౤జజѓd˸ಂίϯಂԸᑗࣛdϞࣖᆽ                               二、增進地方災害防救能力

            ڭ਷ɛ͛նৌପτΌf                                              ( 一 ) 推動災害防救深耕第 3 期計畫
                                                                          ટᚃଉঁ 2 ಂࠇ೥dܵᚃ፬ଣӨ࢔

            下列綜整 107 年度各項強化防颱防災                                           ᆑැሜݟeһอԣӨήྡe፬ଣᑺ
            整備工作:                                                         ୦৅ᇖeᏨীήਜӨ࢔ԣહࠇ೥e

            一、 落實清淤、坡地檢查等相關防災措                                            ՘ɢྠඟආታᏐᜊʕːeһอʮה
                  施整備                                                     Ꮠᜊʕːண௪dԨ׵ଉঁ 3 ಂࠇ೥d

                  ( 一 ) 下水道清淤:                                            ீཀપਗද׌ٟਜeڮආ͏଺ਞၾ
                        ຖኬ΢ጤ̹ੂБ૶૳ʈЪd107 ϋ                                 ԣહӨʈЪʿ੶ʷΆุԣӨঐɢd

                        ܓཫࠇ૶૳ 422.94 ʮԢd࿚Ї 6                              ආɓӉ੶ʷٟਜe͏଺eΆุٙԣ
                        ˜ 19 ˚ʊੂБ૶૳ 157.04 ʮԢf                            Өঐɢf

                  ( 二 ) 抽水站運轉抽查:                                    ( 二 ) 強化防救災人員訓練
                        ࠠᓃפݟே̹ࠇ೥ਜʫ 190 ࢭפ˥                                106 ϋܓऊԣ໇৅ᇖʕː஝ྌ፬ଣ΢

                        १༶ᔷઋҖdѩ͍੬f                                        ௅ึԣહӨɛࡰ৅ᇖफe਷ࠏ˕౪ɽ
                  ( 三 ) 山坡地住宅安全檢查:                                        ۨӨ࢔วહ၇ɿ઺֜फe͏ග՘п

                       ΢ٜᒍ̹eጤ€̹ִ݁ࠇᏨݟ                                     હӨɛࡰeऊԣɛࡰહᚐʿʷӨफ
                        421 ஈʆսήИσٟਜdᏨݟ൙֛                                 ഃᐼࠇ 222 ࡈफಂdॶ৅ 1 ຬ 1,144

                        ഐ؈༈၍˴၍ܔጘዚᗫִ݁ѩஷٝ                                   ɛϣd107 ϋܓܵᚃપਗ፬ଣf

                                                                                             FIRE SAFETY MONTHLY  消防月刊
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