Page 5 - 消防月刊-107年6月號
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 59                                                           77


 工作研討 Work Discussion

 36  減少救護職業傷害 強化消防人員體魄  搶救紀實 Work Discussion

 金門縣消防局 林政宏
 Reduce Occupational Injuries in Emergency Care, Strengthen the Physique of  65  搶救生命一線間 中崙分隊與死神的搏鬥
 Firefighters Introduction of Dead Lift Training
 41  大量傷病患作業車組   臺北市政府消防局 劉彥均
                 A Close Call
                 Chunglun Branch Wrestled with Death
 臺北市政府消防局 陳柏翰、黃昱瀚、林祺峯
 52  Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Rescue Operation Work Units  69  勇消不畏寒徹苦 竭力盡瘁得圓滿
                 臺北市政府消防局 胡嘉軒
                 Bitter Cold Never Stops Fearless Firefighters Utmost Effort Brings A Happy Ending
 「廟口老街防災商圈起步ㄗㄡ ˋ」
 彰化縣消防局 邱鈺詔  70
 Discussion on Promotional Events in Miaokou Old Street Disaster-Prevention  車禍救助救護無縫接軌 救護員靜脈注射初體驗
 Commercial Circle, Lukang  臺北市政府消防局 呂尚佶
 “Miaokou Old Street Disaster-Prevention Commercial Circle, Action!”  Seamless Connection between Rescue Operation and Emergency Care in Vehicle Crashes
                 EMTs’ First-time Experience of Giving Intravenous Injection
        72       國道三號化學品 翻覆搶救實錄

 消防天地 Firefighting World  新北市政府消防局 黃煒翔
                 Seamless Connection between Rescue Operation and Emergency Care in Vehicle Crashes
 59  臺南市政府消防局下營分隊協辦  75  東海岸臺11 線148K 車禍救助搶救紀實
                 EMTs’ First-time Experience of Giving Intravenous Injection
 臺南市政府消防局 周奕任    臺東縣消防局 陳國疆
                 Record of Car Accident Rescue Operation and Emergency Care in East Coast,
 Hsiaying Branch, Tainan City Fire Department Co-organized Community  Provincial Highway No.11, 11 km
 Health and Safety Enhancement Activities
 62  趣味競賽 模擬實境

 南投縣政府消防局舉辦107 年消防民力競賽
 南投縣政府消防局 張基崧  消防花絮 Fire Service Tidbits
 Field Drill and Instruction in Equipment Use at Sanchong Station of the Taoyuan  77  我的CPR 升級再進化
 International Airport MRT held by Taipei City Fire Department
 64  高雄市政府消防局辦理  臺北市政府消防局 姚嘉駿
                 Upgrade and Advancement in My CPR skills
 高雄市政府消防局 鄭智瑄  79  急病受幫助 患者感恩信溫暖消防心
 Field Drill and Instruction in Equipment Use at Sanchong Station of the Taoyuan  嘉義市政府消防局 黃星發
 International Airport MRT held by Taipei City Fire Department  Acute Illness Sufferer Rescued in Time Thank You Letter from the Patient Warms Firefighters’ Heart
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