Page 7 - 2018消防月刊4月份
P. 7

                 After the devastating 921 earthquake, National Fire Agency set up Special Search
            and Rescue  Teams in compliance with Disaster Prevention and Protection Act, to
            respond to major disaster effects and execute rescue operations. Depending on local
            conditions and financial status, the rescue teams of firefighting administrations in
            municipalities, cities, and counties hold advanced search and rescue training courses
            in urban areas, and establish designated authorities or task forces responsible for
            special search and rescue missions.
                 According to the Search and Rescue  Team’s Execution of International
            Humanitarian Relief  Mission  Dispatch  Program,  when  major  disasters occur  in  the                  SPECIAL REPORT
            world, Ministry of Foreign Affairs will coordinate disaster-stricken countries’ needs
            send out the international search and rescue team mainly consists of Special Search
            and Rescue  Teams, National Fire Agency, or supplemented by the manpower from
            counties/cities  on  duty,  to  carry  out  international  humanitarian  relief.  With  the
            development of rescue techniques and the readiness of relevant regulations, the
            rescue  system  in  Taiwan  could  be  categorized  into  3  types:  rescue  teams,  Special
            Search and Rescue Teams, and international search and rescue teams.



            ͭࣛಂd׵͏਷ 76 ϋ 8 ˜ 25 ˚ၽִ̹̏݁ᙆ

            ࿀҅ऊԣᙆ࿀ɽඟ ( ତၽִ̹̏݁ऊԣ҅ )dݼ
            ჆ 2 ЗᎴӸ฀௅ੵ O ௝ʿเ O ی΋͛dۃֻ˚

            п৅ᇖʘᏺᔩdԨ׵ 77 ϋ 7 ˜ 5 ˚ΎᏐ˚͉̏
                                                                 ¸ ତอִ̹̏݁ऊԣ҅ර҅ڗϋჀࣛዄ΂હпඟඟڗ๫˪
            ऎ༸ԣӨʕːᒗሗd፮ݼࣛ΂ʱඟڗර O ૶ ( ତ
            อִ̹̏݁ऊԣ҅҅ڗ )eʃඟڗᆙ O طeඟࡰ
                                                               1969 ϋ ( ͏਷ 58 ϋ ) ؇ԯऊԣᝂணໄतйહп
            ᑽ O Ըഃ 3 ࡰࠌ˚ટաऊԣહп৅ᇖdҁϓତ
                                                               ඟdһ׵ 1986 ϋ ( ͏਷ 75 ϋ ) Աऊԣج ( ˚͉ )
            ʦહпҦஔሙ೻ࡡۨdԨ፬ଣୋ 1 ಂહпඟ৅
                                                               ࡌ͍ࠈϞહпඟৣໄ஝֛ -˜હпඟ㗮ᇜϓe௪
                 78 ϋ׵͑Λʱඟeശʆʱඟʿ̚ڤʱඟϓ
                                                               ʿतй৷ܓહпඟഃ 4 ॴf
            ɽඟɨண 5 ࡈʕඟޫணໄ 1 ࡈહпʱඟdɦ


                 ࠽੻ɓ౤d˚͉׵ 1932 ϋ ( ͏਷ 21 ϋ ) Ϊ

            ֐׵ 1933 ϋ ( ͏਷ 22 ϋ ) ϓͭ˸˦Өତఙહ
            пݺਗމ˴ʘਖ਼பહпఊЗiԨ׵ 1964 ϋ ( ͏
                                                               ¸ อִ̹̏݁ऊԣ҅ݼࡰۃֻ˚͉؇ԯேऊԣᝂટաહпतй޼
            ਷ 53) ϋක֐ணໄʔࠢ׵˦Өତఙʘਖ਼பહп                              ୦Υ๫

                                                                                             FIRE SAFETY MONTHLY  消防月刊
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