Page 6 - 2018消防月刊4月份
P. 6


             Special Report



               Rescue Services Development in Taiwan and                                  ◎文 / 消防月刊編輯室
               Its Future Perspectives                                                    ◎圖 / 消防月刊編輯室提供


                 Ң਷હп᜗Փ೯࢝ʕdહпඟڷऊԣዚᗫމੂБே̹ۨ࿒ԫ݂ ( ν˦Өeԓ၆ԫ݂e͙౶̮ރe

            ዚ૛ண݄ԫ݂eɨ˥༸ԫ݂ഃ ) ʿ௉̮ਜਹԫ݂ ( ν˥ਹԫ݂eʆਹԫ݂ഃ ) הˏ೯ɛնաѢܙહࣩ

                 ዝ຾ 921 ɽήቤ࿘೨຾᜕dމஈଣࠠɽӨ࢔ɛնวહഃᏐᜊԫ֝dऊԣ໇ԱӨ࢔ԣહج஝֛ண


            ყฤહඟ 3 ᗳۨf

                 In Taiwan’s rescue services system, rescue teams are designated authorities or
            task forces established by firefighting administrations, aiming at carrying out rescue
            operations in urban area incidents (e.g. fire, traffic accidents, gas leaks, machinery
            incidents, and sewerage incidents, etc.) and incidents during outdoor activities (e.g.
            incidents in water or mountain areas, etc.), in order to save lives and relieve trapped
            victims  from  disaster  effects.  With  manpower  and  machineries,  the  rescue  teams
            have  to  eliminate  the  danger  and  appropriately  apply  the  skills  in  traffic  accident
            rescue, rope rescue, water rescue, and confined space rescue, and evacuate the
            victims from dangerous accident scenes to safe areas.

     04  專題報導 SPECIAL REPORT
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