Page 14 - 106年5月消防月刊(全)
P. 14

工作研討 Work Discussion




              Major disaster central and local government cooperation mechanism—

              dispatch of NFA to site of accident on Mt. Nanerzi in Hualian as an example.

                                                                                    ■文╱內政部消防署 林韋廷


                以 106 年 3 月臺北市政府消防局雙溪分隊隊員李盈勳,利用休假前往花蓮縣萬榮鄉南二子山登山


           When an accident or disaster happens, the response operational regulations and procedures are usually
           followed, however, in the case of special or major accidents and disasters or when a long period of searching
           is required, if the situation requires, the usual procedural regulations do not have to be followed and the
           central and local government can establish a joint response mechanism to carry out the search and rescue
           Taking the example of Li Ying-xun, a firefighter at Shuangxi Fire Station of Taipei Fire Department  who
           went missing in March 2017 when he went to fetch water when he was climbing on Mt. Nanerzi in Wanrong
           Township, Hualian County during leave. Usually, requesting a helicopter requires various levels of reporting.
           In this case, the onsite commander made an application for helicopter support to the NFA through the
           command center of the fire department he belongs to; the NFA approved the application form and rescue plan
           and then passed them onto the National Airborne Service Corps, which then provided helicopter support.

                該案經消防署人員派駐前進指揮所,一般申                           員受傷等臨時性搜救任務時,亦可跳脫一般申請
           請任務可直接與現場指揮官掌握申請需求(載送                              程序,直接口頭下令空勤總隊,申請表後補方式
           物資或人員),協助申請表及搜救計畫制訂及執                              執行,有效提升搜救效能。

           12   消防月刊 2017.5
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