Page 18 - 106年2月消防月刊(全)
P. 18

工作研討 Work Discussion


             105 年案件統計分析

             Analysis of the National Rescue Command Center’s  2016 case statistics

                                                                                     ■文╱內政部消防署 喻宏祺


                在 89 年 7 月 24 日八掌溪事件後,行政院為強化救難機制,統籌、調度國內各搜救單位資源或聯

           成立行政院國家搜救指揮中心(以下簡稱國搜中心),以提升搜救時效。92 年起內政部消防署承接


           Following the Bazhang River incident of July 24, 2000, to strengthen the rescue mechanism, the Executive
           Yuan established the National Rescue Command Center (the Center,) using the task force method to manage
           and dispatch search and rescue units in Taiwan and facilitate contact between them, coordinate with foreign
           search and rescue units and to quickly execute search and rescue in the event of disasters and aerial emergency
           rescue of the sick and injured, to raise the level of search and rescue time-effectiveness. In 2003, the NFA
           took over dispatch of the Center’s search and rescue resources, carrying out support  dispatch for emergency
           search and rescue in the case of air crash or shipwreck, aerial emergency rescue of sick and injured, support
           dispatch for organ transplant aerial transportation and support dispatch for mountain, tall building  disaster
           emergency rescue, contact in event of air crash or shipwreck, coordination with overseas search and rescue
           units, and other major disaster emergency rescue matters. In the event of disaster, the resources of various
           agencies are integrated and aircraft or ship dispatched as quickly as possible to carry out search and rescue.

                                                              次、內政部空中勤務總隊 364 架次),海上兵力
                由表 1、2 統計 105 年國搜中心共計執行任                      892 艘次(行政院海巡署 680 艘次、消防救生艇

           務 466 件(其中傷患運送 37 件、海難搜救 154                       172 艘次、民間商漁船 40 艘次),搜救人數 1,186
           件、海難協調 20 件、信號查證 200 件、山域事                         人,出動救災人力 4 萬 0,600 人。另協調國外搜
           故搜救 40 件、空難搜救 1 件、及災害救助 14                         救單位出動空中兵力 13 架次,海上船艇 106 艘

           件),出動空中兵力 424 架次(含國防部 60 架                         次。

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