Page 6 - 105年9月消防月刊
P. 6

專題報導 Special Report



             Analysis and discussion of Taiwan’s hazardous material storage
             tank statistics


                依據消防署公共危險物品場所火災事故統計分析可以發現,自 98 年至 104 年,每年均有儲槽事
           故發生,7 年來總計發生 14 件儲槽火災,為預防儲槽事故再發生,消防署蒐集全國公共危險物品儲
           槽火災事故原因及儲槽列管資料(統計至 104 年 12 月 31 日),建立儲槽清冊,進行相關數據統計分


           According to analysis of national hazardous material storage facility accident figures by the NFA, from 2009
           to 2015, there was at least one storage tank accident every year, with 14 tank fires in all in 7 years. To prevent
           further tank fires, the NFA has collected data on hazardous material storage tank accident reasons and listed
           tanks (up to December 31, 2015), has established a list of tanks and carried out related statistical analysis;
           suggestions have also been put forward after data analysis.

         ■因儲槽發生火災難以撲滅,故儲槽搶救演練須定期執行。                                ■室內儲槽火災事故﹝資料來源:各直轄市、縣(市)政府消防局提供﹞。

           4    消防月刊 2016.9
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