Page 6 - 104年11月消防月刊(全)
P. 6

專題報導 Special Report

           疊高消防基石 強化安全之鑰


           Pile high the foundation stones of fire protection  Strengthening the key
           to safety

           Fire rescue training--Current situation and vision


                成立迄今已 6 年之久的內政部消防署訓練中心,是東南亞最大的訓練機構,完善的火點模擬設
           施、不同的火點情境,可提供全臺消防同仁最專業的演練。自 99 年起至 103 年期間,已有超過 4000

           搶救訓練是一套有模組的系統化教學,訓練中心參考了美國 NFPA(National Fire Protection Association)
           及 NFA(National Fire Academy)的相關教材,規劃火災搶救初級班(Fire Fighter 1)、火災搶救進階班

           (Fire Fighter 2)、火災搶救指揮與控制(Command and Control Incident Operation)及火災搶救教官班,
           以下針對 4 個班級,先概略做個介紹。

           The National Fire Agency Training Center, established 6 years ago,  is the largest fire fighter training center
           in Southeast Asia. With its fire point simulation facilities and different fire point scenarios, it can provide
           professional training. 2010-2014, over 4000 people were trained at the Center.
           Since ancient times, fire rescue has been the foundation stone of fire protection and training is the key to
           piling the foundation stones high. Fire rescue training is modulized systematic teaching; with reference to
           related teaching materials of the US National Fire Protection Association and National Fire Academy, the
           Center has planned four courses: Fire Fighter 1,Fire Fighter 2,Command and Control Incident Operation, and
           Fire Rescue Trainer. Below the four courses will be briefly introduced.


           4    消防月刊 2015.11
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