Page 3 - 104年10月消防月刊
P. 3


             47       建置搶救圖資管理系統


                      新竹縣政府消防局 陳映慈
                      Creating rescue diagram resource management systems
                      Making fire rescues more convenient

             53       以新竹縣尖石鄉為例


                      新竹縣政府消防局 彭盟憲
                      The case of Hsinchu County
                      Investigating the safety issues among tribal populations in remote areas

             64       公路及隧道火災搶救訓練


                      彰化縣消防局 翁鈺婷
                      Training for road and tunnel fire rescues
                      Investigating the safety measures in tunnel structures and long-distance wiring

              68      電弧焊接作業易引發火災事故

                      施工處方圓 10 公尺無可燃物較安全

                      臺北市政府消防局 蘇明偉
                      Arc welding work easily leads to fires
                      Only a construction radius of 10 meters can be considered safe

                                                                                   消防月刊 2015.10             1
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