Page 6 - 104年02月消防月刊
P. 6
專題報導 Special Report
Operating Procedure for the Promotion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Composite Material Vessel Resume and Approval
新月異,歐美國家於西元 2000 年時將複合材料
國內使用鋼製液化石油氣容器已有 50 年以 (如玻璃纖維)應用在製造液化石油氣容器上,
上的歷史,傳統鋼瓶雖然安全性足夠,但是其重 製造出新型的液化石油氣容器,稱為複合材料液
量較重、易生鏽之因素,在搬運上及沿海等潮濕 化石油氣容器(以下簡稱複合容器),並通過各
地區使用較為不便。目前全國約有 3,041 家瓦斯 項認證後開始供人民使用及外銷至其他國家,為
行,在國內流通使用之鋼製液化石油氣容器約有 使民眾對於液化石油氣容器能有多種選擇,內政
1,160 萬支 ( 數據參考自內政部消防署公務統計 部消防署亦建立國內複合容器認可制度。
報表 ),由此可知鋼瓶與民眾生活相當密切,如 本文即針對國內推動複合容器認可制度之歷
何減輕液化石油氣容器重量,降低瓦斯行員工負 程,蒐集國內外資料向讀者介紹。
Steel Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders have been used in Taiwan for over 50 years. Traditional steel
cylinders are sufficiently safe but are quite heavy and also prone to rusting, which makes transporting them and
using them in coastal or other damp areas inconvenient. At present, there are roughly over 3,000 gas supply stores
nationwide, and approximately 11.6 million (figure taken from NFA official statistics) steel cylinders used for LPG
in national circulation. It is clear that LPG is intimately linked to the daily life of people in this country. Making
these cylinders lighter to reduce the burden of gas store employees has been an issue that the industry has attached
much importance to in recent years. In 2000, the use of composite materials (such as fiberglass) to manufacture
new types of vessels for storing LPG began in Europe and North America, which are known as composite-
material LPG cylinders. After various rounds of testing and certification Norway began to provide these to its
citizens and for export, and recently the NFA has been actively pushing for the establishment of a composite LPG
cylinder permit system in Taiwan.
This article introduces data from Taiwan and overseas relating to the process of promoting a composite cylinder
permit system.
製造,直到 2000 年才開始運用於液化石油氣容
液化石油氣主要成分為丙、丁烷,較天然氣 為「Hexagon Ragasco」,本文即以該公司所生產
( 甲、乙烷 ) 燃燒產生之熱能較高,目前國內液 之複合容器為範例,其構造可分成 3 部分,係為
化石油氣均以鋼瓶儲存。複合材料於 1980 年代 內膽、外包覆複合材料纖維及保護外殼,如(圖
係使用於國防工業,至 1990 年代便運用於車輛 1)、(圖 2)及(圖 3)。
4 消防月刊