Page 7 - 103年消防月刊 7月號 (全)
P. 7
Topic Report
Topic Report 專題報導專題報導
T he diverse terrain of Taiwan features many
mountains with altitudes reaching over 3,000 meters.
In this era of advanced information technology, you
can not only find beautiful photos of mountains during
all the seasons on the Internet, but also information on
attractions and personal experiences shared by hikers.
It is precisely due to this that there is growing amount
of new blood amongst the ranks of mountain climbers,
causing quite a trend. After all, people can enjoy beautiful
scenery while embarking on a healthy activity. However,
people often tend to overlook the potential dangers
lurking behind the beauty. At the end of last year (2013),
a successive series of mountain accidents necessitated the
full efforts of numerous firefighters and private rescue
groups. Generally, winter is not a preferred time for either
experienced or amateur climbers. After all, we live in a
subtropical country, so it is not that easy to adapt to a low
temperature environment. Additionally, more equipment is
needed to traverse snow terrain and obstacles. Technology
and techniques need further improvement to handle the
increased physical strain.
在102年年底,接二連三發生了多起山 官嚴格訓練,在野地山區搭設帳篷過夜,學
域意外事故,讓眾多消防人員及民間救難團 習在雪地酷寒環境中自救救人的能力,爾
體疲於奔命。一般而言,冬季並非一般登山 後,為了提升整體搜救能力,每年消防署特
者或初登山的山友所會選擇的時間點,畢竟 種搜救隊都會在年初之際,上山進行高山雪
臺灣位處亞熱帶,對於溫度較低的環境不是 地訓練,為了就是能在高海拔山域意外事故
那麼容易就能適應,再加上為了應付雪地特 發生時,多一分搶救生命的先機。
性,需要準備更多因應裝備,不僅在技術上 規劃103年度高山雪地訓練之前,教官
需要加強,在體力上也相對增加許多負荷, 團為了課程內容傷透腦筋,但有鑑於102年
然而,雪季的山景如此美麗,也因此漸漸有 底發生多起山域意外事故,因此教官團決定
更多山友為了一睹雪季山景而前往登山,事 在103年度雪地課程中,以模擬出勤方式,
實上消防署及各直轄市、縣市(政府)消防 採5名學員搭配1名教官為1組的方式來進
局,每年都有針對山域意外事故搜救部分進 行,讓所有學員瞭解到在實際救災過程中,
行訓練。早年消防署特種搜救隊曾派員前往 各種可能需要面對的問題及應對方法。
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