Page 16 - 103年消防月刊 3月號 (全)
P. 16
Fire Safety Monthly
我國 災害防救計畫架構
National Disaster Prevention and Protection Plan:
A Compilation and Analysis
圖 / 文 基隆市政府消防局 陳進源
In 2000, Taiwan enacted a systematic method with the Disaster Prevention
and Protection Act, which defined the four stages of basic disaster prevention
and protection: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Regarding
the focus on disaster prevention measures included within these four stages,
this paper gathers information on the present structure and plans of the
Disaster Prevention and Protection Act using the Basic Plan of Disaster
Prevention and Protection (March 2007 and June 2013 edition as references)
as a foundation. This provides officials involved in disaster prevention with
a clearly defined structure of logic in drafting, surveying, and implementing
disaster prevention and protection-related plans. This paper also attempts to
offer concrete information and procedures for reference.
依據我國現行災害防救法(參考101年11 由內政部、經濟部、農委會、交通部及環保署
月28日版本)第2條規定,法定災害類型分為 主管(參見表1),為了達到災害防救之目的,
風災、水災、震災、旱災…等15類天然及人為 得採取法律、行政及財政金融之必要措施(災
災害(或有將公用氣體與油料管線、輸電線路 防法第5條),規劃所管災害之預防、應變及復
災害視為2類災害為16類),業務職掌分別委 原重建等事項。
編號 主管機關 主管災害
1. 內政部 風災、震災、火災、爆炸災害
2. 經濟部 水災、旱災、公用氣體與油料管線、輸電線路災害、礦災
3. 農委會 寒害、土石流災害、森林火災
4. 交通部 空難、海難、陸上交通事故
5. 環保署 毒性化學物質災害
6. 其他
◆ ◆表◆1 災防法各類災害主管機關