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                        Statistics of the Mountain Rescue Carried Out by the Fire Department in 2020

                        圖‧文:內政部消防署 蔡明奮


                      行政院蘇貞昌院長於 108 年 10 月 21 日「向山致敬」記者會宣布山林解禁政策,以「開放山林」、
                  「資訊透明」、「便民服務」、「教育普及」及「明確責任」等 5 項政策主軸推動山林開放,指示教

                  理處等山域管理機關,簡化入山入園申請程序及條件,開放核心保護區域外 86% 國有林地(含全國
                  81 條林道),整體改善山屋和步道;國家通訊傳播委員會規劃山林行動通信訊號改善工程,逐步提

                  On October 21, 2019, Premier Su Zhenchang announced the policy of reopening access
                  to the forest at a press conference. The policy was based on five objectives: (1) access to
                  the forest, (2) information transparency, (3) convenient services, (4) universal education,
                  (5) clear responsibilities. After that, division of work has been established: Sports
                  Administration of the Ministry of Education is designated as the competent authority to
                  (1) improve and implement hiking education, (2) formulate regulations; Forestry Bureau
                  of Construction and Planning Agency, the Ministry of the Interior is responsible for (1)
                  simplifying the application procedures and conditions for entering forests and parks,
                  (2) opening 86% of the state-owned forest outside the core protection area (including
                  81 forest roads across the country), (3) improving the overall condition of the trails and
                  houses in the forest; and the National Communications Commission is to plan the project
                  on enhancing the communication signal in the forest, which will be more hiker-friendly.

                   疫情影響,登山旅遊興起                                    活動嚴謹結構與態度,更衍生浮濫求援亂象,致
                                                                  使 109 年山域事故案件遽增,各救援機關單位
                      109 年適逢特殊嚴重傳染性肺炎出國限制影
                                                                      鑑此,分析 109 年地方政府消防機關執行
                  名山勝景宛如假日老街人聲鼎沸,形成「登山旅                           山域事故人命救助案件,盼藉由事故統計分析及
                  遊化」。臺灣特有年輕山域地貌、豐富生態與原                           探討,提供相關機關建構預防(安全管理)、整

                  始植被雖較其他國家極具觀光吸引力,然潛藏迷                           備(建置能量)、應變(救援機制)規劃及社會
                  途、墜崖、落石、摔跌傷、高山症等事故風險更                           大眾參考,並就山林開放政策各行政機關之策進
                  易使人輕忽;加上國內民眾山林教育起步晚,網                           事項進行說明,期降低山域事故發生機率以及提
                  路自組隊伍及商業團體活動興盛,打破傳統登山                           升人命救助效能。

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