Page 6 - 消防月刊6月號
P. 6

 專題報導   專題報導 國際搜救 世界接軌— 我國特種搜救隊的進展歷程 Keeping Pace with the International Search and Rescue Standards—the Development of Our Special Search and Rescue Team SPECIAL REPORT  壹、緣起 搜救行動的目標是在最短的時間內搜救最多的受困人員,同時最大程度降低救援人員的風險。 民國 88 年 921 發生,雖然當時有 20 國 38 支國際搜救隊共 728 人、103 隻搜救犬一同協助 救災,但其實臺灣需先處理能力還有許多成長空間,如不知道國際搜救如跨國聯繫、裝備器材的 運作等協調管理,看到了自己的不足。 The goal of search and rescue is to save the most people within the shortest time while minimize the risk faced by rescuers. Back to 1999, Taiwan didn’t keep pace with the world when the 921 earthquake hit, although we had 38 international search and rescue teams from 20 countries (728 people in total) and 103 search and rescue dogs coming for help. We saw our weakness when realizing we didn’t know how the international search and rescue operations—such as cross-border links and management of medical equipment—worked. 01 ◆ 圖.文 / 消防月刊編輯室 

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