Page 22 - 消防月刊5月號
P. 22

 工作研討    工作研討 改變救護,持續品管,從大隊做起 Firefighting Team Seeks Ways to Improve Emergency Services with Ongoing Quality Control WORK DISCUSSION  壹、前言 自民國 84 年消防法修正,將緊急救護正式納入消防業務迄今已逾 20 年,隨著臺北市工商業蓬 勃發展,整體生活品質不斷提升,民眾對於緊急救護之要求與期待也隨之提高。為有效管理與持續提 升救護品質,提供市民更優質的救護服務,臺北市政府消防局自民國 96 年起開始實施救護品管制度。 回顧近年來臺北市政府消防局第一大隊(以下簡稱第一大隊)救護品管執行至今,仍有許多 可精進之處,為持續提升所屬各分隊之救護勤業務管理及促進救護技術,落實各級管理幹部督導 職責與發揮高級救護隊指導救護技術功能,以維持高品質救護服務且展現專業救護技術,遂由第 一大隊與忠孝高級救護隊(以下簡稱忠孝分隊)參考臺北市政府消防局救護科 108 年上半年度品 管檢查結果,著手研商訂定「臺北市政府消防局第一救災救護大隊緊急救護自主管理執行計畫」。 It has been more than 20 years since the Fire Services Act incorporated emergency services into the business of fire service. With the rapid development of industry and commerce in Taipei City, the overall quality of life continues to improve. The public has also raised its expectation for emergency services. Therefore, as of 2007, the Taipei City Fire Station has started to implement a quality control system for emergency services, hoping that it would enhance the quality and thus benefit its citizens. Evaluation of the result showed more room for improvement. After reviewing the result of quality control in the first half year of 2019, the First Corps of the Taipei City Fire Station and Zhongxiao Advanced EMT have started to formulate a self-management plan for emergency services. It is hoped that this will enhance every branch’s emergency-services management and skills, ensure that supervisors carry out their responsibilities, and make better use of the Advanced EMT’s emergency services skills so that high-quality emergency services can be well maintained and provided. 17 ◆ 圖 . 文 / 臺北市政府消防局 林尚螢、黃俊達 

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