Page 6 - 2018消防月刊10月份
P. 6


             Special Report



            House Fire Prevention Strategy
            Analysis of Current Situation and Goals of Promotion

                                                                                          ◎文 / 消防月刊編輯室
                                                                                          ◎圖 / 消防月刊編輯室提供



            85% ˸ɪʘܔጘي˦Ө೯͛׵ 5 ᄴᅽ˸ɨʘܔጘي ( νྡ 1)dઓ০࿁ 5 ᅽ˸ɨИσ ( ʮభ ) ഃڢԶʮ

                 The house should be a place to share love and joy with the family, and a ruthless
            fire  may  break  the  family’s  happiness. According  to  statistics,  more  than  85%  of
            building fires occur in buildings with five or less storeys (Figure 1). However, for
            non-public places such as residences (apartments) with five or less storeys, the
            regulations  can  neither  enforce  the  requirement  for  installing  fire  safety  equipment
            nor implementing fire prevention management system, and consequently those
            places have a high risk of serious fire. As a result of the above it is an urgent
            matter for us to look into how to promote correct fire prevention knowledge through
            propaganda and education to effectively prevent fires in the said places.

     04  專題報導 SPECIAL REPORT
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