Page 14 - 2018消防月刊8月份
P. 14




                                                        The Special Cases of Public Hazardous Materials
                                                        Discussion on the Ordinary Disposal Sites

                                                                                         ◎文 / 內政部消防署 廖書鋒
                                                                                         ◎圖 / 廖書鋒提供

                 Աऊԣجୋ 15 ૢୋ 1 ධ஝֛dႡிeᎷπאஈଣʮ΍Κᎈيۜ༺၍Փඎ˸ɪࣛd༈ఙהᏐ˸


            ࠬᎈਗ਼ɽމ౤৷d˲೯͛˦Өࣛ׸ிϓऊԣวહѢᗭfΪϤdۃࠑऊԣجୋ 15 ૢୋ 2 ධԨબᛆࠈ


                 According to Article 15-1 of Fire Services Act, when the volume of manufacturing, storage,
            or disposal of the public hazardous materials exceeds the control amount, the materials should
            be stored or disposed safely in the site where they had been placed. The legislative intent of said
            clause is that, the public hazardous materials are flammable, explosive, or combustion-supporting
            substance, and if they are manufactured, stored, or disposed in bulk at a place without appropriate
            location, structure, equipment, and management of safety, the risk of fire will be greatly increased
            and makes the rescue operation difficult when a fire occurs. For that reason, Article 15-2 of Fire
            Services Act also authorized the formulation of “Public Hazardous Material and Flammable High
            Pressure Gas Installation Standard and Regulations for Management of Safety” (hereinafter
            referred to as Regulations for Management) to demand that, the sites where the volume of
            manufacturing, storage, or disposal is anticipated to exceed the control amount, unless the central
            authority of the industry has other safety management requirements, should all be designed in
            accordance with the above-mentioned Regulations for Management of Safety.

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