Page 20 - 《消防月刊》-2018年7月號
P. 20

e.g. whether toxic chemicals, radioactive materials, flammable or explosive substances, and
            substances and mixtures which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases, are stored on the
            premises, as well as the pipeline arrangement plan. The information above dominates not only the
            success or failure of the disaster relief, but also the safety of rescuers themselves. Although it is
            stated in Article 13 of Fire Services Act that, the administrator of public buildings should select an
            eligible fire prevention supervisor, who is responsible for the formulation of the fire protection plan.
            The supervisor has to submit the plan to fire authorities for approval and deal with necessary fire
            prevention management affairs according to the plan. However, at the moment when the disaster
            happens, the information needed for disaster relief may be preserved in the form of paper in some
            filing cabinet in somewhere, and the fire prevention supervisor may not be on site, therefore how to
            immediately get the information needed for disaster relief has been a problem for a long time. For
            example, in September 2017, a major fire occurred in Unitech Printed Circuit Board Corp., and 11
            firefighters, without being told there were concentrated sulfuric acid pipes inside the building, were
            injured in the rescue operation. To sum up, how to help the rescuers quickly obtain disaster relief
            related information at the very first time, and develop the most appropriate rescue tactics to ensure
            the safety of rescuers on site and reduce losses, has always been the extremely important parts of
            disaster rescue.
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