Page 6 - 2018消防月刊3月份
P. 6


             Special Report

            美國 CMC 救援學院


            Confined Space Rescue Training Course by CMC Rescue
            School, US
                                                                                             ◎文 / 消防月刊編輯室
                                                                                             ◎圖 / 消防月刊編輯室

                 CMC  救援學院 (CMC Rescue School)  成立於 1982 年美國加州,由各種具救援專長

            外,並受邀於各國教授有關繩索救援  (Rope  Rescue)、侷限空間救援 (Confined  Space

            Rescue)、壕溝支撐救援 (Trench  Rescue)、倒塌建物支撐 (Emergency  Building

            Shoring) 等課程,亦針對軍方、風力發電機工作者等特殊工作或單位,規劃與執行特殊救

                 In  1982,  CMC  Rescue  School  was  established  in  California,  US,  with  the
            faculty  consists  of  current  and  retired  firefighters,  who  specialize  in  various  rescue
            techniques. With the accumulation of practical tasks and teaching experience, it
            has  evolved to  a professional  rescue  teaching team that integrated  teaching  and
            developing of rescue equipments, and relevant technique researches. The instructors
            not only teach regularly in the US, they are also invited to teach curriculums abroad
            for Rope Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, Trench Rescue, and Emergency Building
            Shoring.  Moreover,  the  school  plans  and  executes  tailor-made  rescue  training
            courses for special professions or organizations such as military and wind turbine

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