Page 6 - 2018消防月刊2月份
P. 6


             Special Report

                    EMIC 應變管理資訊


                    Special Report: Enhancement of Emergency Management
                    Information Cloud, EMIC
                                                                                          ◎文 / 消防月刊編輯室
                                                                                          ◎圖 / 消防月刊編輯室提供


                 ऊԣ໇ৣΥࡡБ݁৫޼Ӻ೯࢝Ͻࣨ։ࡰึ ( ତމ਷࢕೯࢝։ࡰึ ) ୋ 4 චݬཥɿʷִ݁ࠇ೥dੂ

            БԣહӨථ၌ࠇ೥ (101 ϋЇ 105 ϋ )d։̮ܔໄ˜Ꮠᜊ၍ଣ࿬༟ࣘ؂ਕ̻ၽ™d౤ԶᏐᜊʕːܼ̍



            ҦੂБ΢ධӨ࢔ԣહʈЪd̋੶׵ତఙੂБ༟ࣘႎණe֛Зഃ΢ධʈЪd዆᜗؂ਕᐑྤͪจνྡ 1f
                 ͦۃऊԣ໇͵ৣΥୋ 5 චݬཥɿʷִ݁ࠇ೥ - ᅰЗִ݁ (106 ϋЇ 109 ϋ ) ፬ଣ˜હӨථሰᚃࠇ

            ᚃӻ୕̙ٙၪᚐ׌dԨ౤Զ˸ᚤᏐόၣࠫணࠇ (RWD) ೻ό዁Ъʧࠦd̙ቇ͜׵ε၇ண௪዁Ъf

                 In order to align with the Electronic Government Program Phase IV promoted by National
            Development Council (former Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan),
            National Fire Agency had implemented the Cloud-Based Disaster Prevention & Relief Plan (2012~2016).
            It outsourced the establishment of Emergency Management & Data Service Platform, which enables
            the Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) to open disaster rescue cases, keep the work item log, report
            back on work meetings and tasks dispatched, fill in real-time disaster reports, produce the disposal
            reports and disaster summary list, and control the disaster situation. Staff in EOCs could log in the
            platform with respective accounts and access to information based on different levels of authorization.
            With the assist of system, staff would be able to make instant response to the disasters with  necessary
            actions, and review emergency response and actions for the cases reported to EOCs. Moreover, the

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