Page 6 - 消防署2018消防月刊1月份
P. 6


             Special Report

                    內政部消防署 106 年「鳳凰獎」楷模表揚典禮



                    In order to inherit the Spirit of Phoenix, we go through  many severe situations
                    Besides, we will do our best to protect our homeland
                                                                                          ◎文 / 消防月刊編輯室
                                                                                          ◎圖 / 消防月刊編輯室提供



                 މชᑽऊԣe່ऊʿқʈࡁ࿁ऊԣාุਕٙ͜ːၾ˹̈dʫ݁௅ऊԣ໇׵ 1 ˜ 18 ˚ᑘ፬ 106 ϋ
            ˜ჾ਑ᆤ™ฺᅼڌ౮Պᓿd΍ϞΌ਷ऊԣe່ऊeԣ˦܁ኬeહᚐʿӨ࢔ԣહқʈഃ 72 Τฺᅼᐏᆤf



                 When disasters occur, they always rush into the dangerous scene at the direction opposite
            to the  citizens in evacuation.  Even know it is safer to draw back than move forward, they  still
            dash toward the first line.Therefore, safety is  far from, danger accompanies. For the sake of safe
            guarding citizens’ lives, they devoted themselves totally. Who are they? They are fire fighters. They
            are just like  angels sent form the heaven to  protect our hometown!
                 In order to appretiate the great efforts and contributions in fire safety the firefighters, volunteer
            firefighters, and other volunteers had done,National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior hosted
            2017 Phoenix Award Ceremony on 18 January. Award lists including 72 heros including firefighters,
            volunteer firefighters, fire prevention promotion volunteers , medical rescue volunteers as well as
            disaster prevention and relief volunteers. Premier of Executive Yuan LAI Ching-te, Minister of the
            Interior YEH Jiunn-rong, and Minister without Portfolio &  Spokesperson of Executive Yuan HSU
            Kuo-yung attended the ceremony. In the ceremony, both Premier LAI and Minister YEH recognized
            the great efforts and performance by firefighters, volunteer firefighters, and other volunteers.
            Moreover, they also encouraged all the personnel who engages in fire safety services and disaster
            prevention would continuously insist the spirit of “Rise from the ashes, save those who are
            suffering” in the sphere of disaster prevention and relief. He believed  by doing so, the lives and
            property  of citizens would be guaranteed appropriately.

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