Page 16 - 105年6月消防月刊(全)
P. 16

工作研討 Work Discussion



                                             Implement flood and typhoon preparations
                                             Build a safe living environment

                                                                                   ■文/內政部消防署 蘇家彥


           民國 47 年開始有颱風統計紀錄迄今,除 53 年外,每年都有發布颱風警報的紀錄,換言之,臺灣自民

           國 47 年以來,幾乎每年都遭受到颱風的威脅,另外每年梅雨季、夏季午後短延時強降雨、西南氣流,

           Taiwan is geographically located in a position where northwestern Pacific typhoons pass. The databank of
           the Central Weather Bureau, MOTC, shows that, since typhoon records were established in 1958, typhoon
           warnings have been issued every year. In other words, Taiwan has been threatened by typhoons every year
           since 1958. Also, the Plum Rains, afternoon thunder storms in summer, southwesterly air currents and the
           autumn Northeastern monsoon co-movement effect often bring torrential rain and cause multi-disasters such
           as debris flows, cut off roads and damaged lifelines. The threat of typhoons is a challenge that the government
           at every level and the people of Taiwan have to take seriously every year. Flood prevention preparations must
           be completed in advance to protect the lives of the people and their property.

                                                              雨量較多的時段大多在進入 6 月之後,颱風生成
           貳、105 年臺灣氣候趨勢
                中央氣象局氣象預報中心主任鄭明典於國                            臺颱風數 8 月前偏少、9 月接近正常、10 月偏多,

           家災害防救科技中心及經濟部水利署 105 年 4 月                         秋颱影響機率大。
           22 日合辦之 105 年度中央災害應變中心情資研                              回顧上一個強聖嬰的後一年是民國 99 年,
           判研習會暨水旱災業務講習會,針對臺灣 105 年                           當年首個襲臺的南修颱風,其先是以熱帶性低氣

           之氣候趨勢,發表強聖嬰後一年演說,預估今年                              壓的姿態盤據臺灣北部上空,突然增強為颱風,

           14   消防月刊 2016.6
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